Giant Pumpkin Carvings

Giant Pumpkin Carving
Created by: Joe Adkins, Wheaton, Il.

Giant Pumpkin Carvings are a Work of Art

Giant Pumpkin Carvings are a fabulous work of art. Move over Michelangelo and Picasso. Rodin, there’s a new sculptor in town. Seeing a giant pumpkin weighing hundreds or thousands of pounds is quite fascinating. To see a giant pumpkin carved into a loving work of art is even more fascinating. A giant pumpkin carver can spend hours carving just a single pumpkin. It’s not a race to get ’em carved. Rather, it’s all about patience, skill, and intricate, detailed design.

If you carve giant pumpkins, now is your chance to show off. We have created this page so you can show off your artistic talents to the world. See these amazing words of art below.

To add your giant pumpkin carving to this page, send a pumpkin image in a jpeg format, along with your name, city, state, date carved, and original weight of the pumpkin. Contact us now.

Here are some Great Carvings, Compliments of the Sculptor

What do you do with a mammoth pumpkin after the weigh-offs and festivals are over? Some growers hollow them out and carve a face in them. Then, just like a Jack O’ Lantern, they insert a light on Halloween night. A ew others make fantastic and intricate sculptures. Unfortunately, these works of art don’t last long. So, if you create a sculpture from your huge pumpkin, make sure to take plenty of pictures. And, send one along to us to post on this page!

Damariscotta Carving 2023 01

Artist: Charlie Birchmeier, Moe Auger

Grower: Holmes Brothers

Location: Damariscotta Pumpkin Festival, 2023

Artist: Moe Auger, Charlie Birchmeier

Grower: Addison Tibbets

Location: Damariscotta Pumpkin Festival, 2023

Giant Pumpkin Carving 01

Created by: Joe Adkins.

Location: Wheaton Illinois, a suburb west of Chicago.

Giant Carving 02

Created by: Joe Adkins.

Location: Wheaton Illinois, a suburb west of Chicago.

Giant Carving 04

Created by: Joe Adkins.

Location: Wheaton Illinois, a suburb west of Chicago.

Giant Carving 06

Created by: Joe Adkins.

Location: Wheaton Illinois, a suburb west of Chicago.

Giant Carving 07

Created by: Joe Adkins.

Location: Wheaton Illinois, a suburb west of Chicago.


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